Hey, I'm a digital product builder.

Hi, I'm Jon a developer/designer from Vancouver. I turn ideas into compelling products and start-ups

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My Expertise

Strategy & Direction

Understand First. Understanding the problem is always key in solving for the objective at hand from both a product and technical perspective.


Position the Product. A few moments is all it takes to generally convince a user whether your product is worth looking at, and this decision often happens subconsciously.


Communicate to all. Further to strategy, spec'ing plays an important role in the lifecycle of a project or feature. It ensures the functionality is well documented and properly thought through.


Putting it all to work. Modern web can be hard with so many choices. Building components for maximum reusability is key in a UI library/framework and JS dominated industry.

Nice to meet you.

Hey, I'm Jon, start-up builder, developer and designer

Hi, my name is Jon and I’m a developer/designer from Vancouver. I have over 10 years experience in full stack development. I've worked with some great teams and companies along the way. A few years back, I participated in Startup bus, a global trip where entrepreneurs have 72 hours to build an entire startup on a bus, stopping only to pitch, until reaching the destination of Boulder, Colorado.

I have a lot of experience designing the "full product lifecycle", from ideation to your product online.

Jon Girard

Director at Nostromo Coding Inc.

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  • November 10, 2020

    Building a SoundCloud style waveform player in React Native

  • October 30, 2020

    How do you use time tracking for projects?